
"I have always dreamed of looking like those women on the cover (or even the inside) of Women's Health - completely toned and well-defined, not to mention beautiful with perfect skin and teeth! But, alas, I never looked like that, even when I was 21! I have always been active; I have taken classes and worked out (on and off), gotten hurt, worked out more, gotten hurt, worked out more... (you get the idea). But, I have never looked, or more important, felt as fit as those women. I decided to try something new so I signed up to train with Lisa. She IS the woman on the cover, and she's a smart trainer. It's been 5 months since I've been working with Lisa as my personal trainer and I'm LEARNING how to do strength training. I'm not following Lisa around the gym like a puppy just doing what she says; she is helping me learn about exercises that strengthen my upper and lower body, and how my body feels as it builds strength. Lisa teaches me by having me experiment with different exercises, asking questions, responding to my grunts and groans, and helping me figure out how to get strong and stay injury free. And, she does all this with great humor, gentle prodding, and tons of encouragement. I'll never be the woman on the cover of Women's Health but I'm definitely getting closer!
- Sheila V.

"I just finished my third session of boot camp and just wanted to say THANK YOU to Lisa! I have been in a fitness rut for several years and this class has kicked me into gear. Lisa is a great, positive and motivational instructor. She has taken all the necessary evils (stairs, abs, sprints, push-ups) and actually made me look forward to coming to class. I've lived in Seattle for 13 years and this is the first summer I have been able to run around Greenlake. Thank you Lisa! you are the best!"
- Emily

"My name is Mike and I am a 56 year old that has been working on personal fitness for several years. I began working with Lisa almost two years ago after working with two other personal trainers in the three years before that. I can say with great confidence that Lisa stands head and shoulders above the other trainers with whom I have worked. She has brought about transformations in my body that I wouldn't have imagined were possible, and certainly didn't happen with my previous trainers. An easy way to see this is in my pants size. I've gone from squeezing into waist size 34 to fitting into size 31. Body fat has dropped from around 23% to about 16%. This didn't happen with my previous trainers and in some ways I was working harder with them than I do with Lisa. I do a standing box jump onto stacked boxes that are almost 3 ft high. Two years ago if you told me I would be doing that I would've laughed at you. On top of the fact that Lisa is incredibly good and effective as a personal trainer, she is delightful to work with. I can't recommend her highly enough! Give her a chance and you will be transformed!!"
- Mike M.

"It's never too late to change. A doctor told me three years ago that the pain in my right knee was a warning sign. "Use it or lose it" to arthritis was the advice, accompanied by a list of beneficial exercises - squats, lunges, stair-climbs. Another doctor noted that my bone density, though still satisfactory, was declining. "Osteopenia." Dang. Weight-bearing exercises recommended. Reliable body parts for over 60 years were beginning to deteriorate. I needed help. I signed up with Lisa for personal training twice a week to see if exercise might reverse or slow one Boomer's physical slide.
Lisa listened to my "crumbling" story while she conducted her own evaluation of my strength, balance, stamina, and range of motion in the first session. And then the change began, twice a week, one hour at a time. What do I like most about Lisa's training sessions? Everything! Her sessions are FUN! Challenging, varied, organized, and always tailored to my abilities and limitations. She always makes sure I do more than I would ever do on my own. And I am always amazed that she knows when to increase my weight, or reps, or pace to keep me progressing.
My knee stopped hurting after about six months. It took another year or so for my knees to stop wobbling as I did step-ups, squats, and lunges. I discovered muscles that had been largely overlooked for decades during the first year. My bone density showed such dramatic improvement in 2015, the radiologist asked me what I had been doing differently in the past two years. "I've been working out twice a week with Lisa." His advice: "Keep it up!"
It's a joy to train with Lisa. She clearly loves her profession and cares about helping her clients (young, old and in-between) become stronger and healthier. I'm enormously grateful to her for greater strength, balance, stamina and range of motion, better daily exercise habits, a sounder mind (you gotta love those endorphins) and body. Thanks, Lisa, for helping me change.
- Elaine S.

"I have been training one on one with Lisa weekly for the past three years. Lisa's style is warm and friendly and she is very knowledgable. The weight room has always been an intimidating place for me, and if I hadn't started working with Lisa, I don't think I would've been able to take the initiative and actually start doing anything on my own. Hiring Lisa as a personal trainer is the best decision I've ever made! I now have the confidence to go into the weight room and work out on my own and get something out of it. My training sessions have been great as I can feel the strength I've been building and look forward to them each week. I would highly recommend Lisa as a trainer to others as she works with you based on your individual level and ability and motivates you to that next level. I am on the road to a stronger, healthier me, and if it wasn't for her guidance, I wouldn't be where I am."
- Liz B.

"I came to Lisa after taking a 6-year hiatus from real exercise after the birth of my fourth child in my 40's. Needless to say I was not in great shape and my morale was low. I had worked with a trainer for a few months in another city but always felt tired afterwards and never saw how one session related to the next and, frankly, I felt like a hamster on a wheel. With Lisa I feel totally different. Not only has her training method worked to get me back on to a fitness platform from which I can function, I can see and feel results. Lisa explains to me why we do what we do and then after just a few sessions, we both see improvement. As a woman in my 50's now, it's a slower process to achieve fitness goals after a long hiatus, and it could be very easy to become discouraged. But Lisa not only keeps my spirits high, she has given me a valuable fitness education; one I can use in the gym in between our sessions to continue to make progress. I am a former professional dancer and I know my body and I understand movement. However, when it comes to strangth training and whole body fitness improvement, I feel like a total novice. Lisa has helped me to build confidence, physical strength and more than anything, she has given me back the connection to my positive feelings about myself. That's priceless!
- Megan P.

"I have been training with Lisa for the past year. During that time, I have lost 35 lbs and started running - something I have never done. She is encouraging and supportive, but she challenges me to push my limits. She creates tough but reasonable workouts and offers practical advice. Since training with Lisa, I have more strength, energy and confidence. Working with her has made a significant difference in my life."
- Jennifer K.