On Weight Loss

A client recently asked me what diet she should use to lose weight and before I could answer added, curtly and with a knowing smirk, "and don't tell me diets don't work". My usual answer would be that dealing with issues of nutrition is outside my scope of practice. While this is absolutely true for all personal trainers, the reality is that I am asked questions regarding weight loss by almost every single client I train at one point or another. I've realized that the best thing I can do in my limited role is to dispel myths about weight loss. The truest thing I can say about people who successfully lose weight is that they worked hard over a long period of time and remained dedicated over the course of their entire life. Changing the body's metabolic structure is to do so at the cellular level. We physiologically adapt and homeostasis locks metabolism in based on our eating and movement habits of the last decade or so of our lives. Our bodies are evolved to lock in metabolism for our own benefit. Years of overeating and lack of exercise will inevitably lock in metabolism at a dangerous place.
With dedication, attention and time, this can be changed. In this regard, approaching weight loss is no different than anything else in life. We get results when we pay attention and then apply committed and daily practice. Real and sustained weight loss requires discipline and mastery of the self. It's not to be taken lightly and I'm finished pretending that it's easy or that anyone can do it. It's challenging and we may fail many times before getting it right. The best thing to do is to continue to work on it until you get it right. You have one body and that body is your life. If you ignore it or abuse it, you are responsible for jeopardizing your health and will deal with those consequences.
Certainly, it's easier for some than others, there's no fairness here; this is the hard truth. The good news is that it can absolutely be done, and the benefits to losing weight and having a healthy body are endless! I absolutely love when clients begin to enjoy their lives in ways they never thought possible. It's so much more than looking good in your bathing suit. Sure, it's nice to look good but imagine having more energy, strength, stamina, speed, mental clarity, improved sleep, better sex life, adding years to your life and my favorite, leaving the doctor's office smiling. If you need to lose weight, you absolutely can, but there is no magic wand and while friends, family, trainers and nutritionists can provide information, support and cheer you on, you are basically in this fight with yourself.
There's a lot of bad advice out there when it comes to weight loss. Try not to get stuck in the weeds on this, keep track of the larger picture. Remember, it's ok to feel hungry every now and then, it's ok to eat gluten, and to snack and to have some ice cream. It's especially OK to eat fruit! I once had a client relay to me that her previous trainer asked her not to eat strawberries, what on earth is this ridiculous advice? If it sounds wrong, it probably is, trust your instincts, read books and articles around the topic, there's a lot of information out there. What matters most is figuring out what works for your body, finding the right balance. You have to find a way to exercise and you have to stop eating when you're full. These two things must happen. Making it happen is up to you!