Every one of my clients is viewed and valued as a unique individual with needs and goals that are distinctly their own.
There is no one right way to train each and every person. The specific type of program or exercise regimen designed depends upon a wide range of variables that inevitably evolve and change over time.
Individual needs, past or present injuries, basoc muscular strength, stamina and cardiovascular fitness levels as well as each person's particular biomechanics are factors considered when beginning training clientele.
The initial assessment utilizes a few basic exercises for observation of movement patterns and joint articulation.
Performance of these helps determine a baseline of strength levels, overall mobility and functional stability.
One of the primary goals of intelligent training is to pay consistent attention to movement quality during strength and power development, which means assessing is continuous. The eye of the trainer remains keenly focused on improving overall range of motion, core and joint stability and neurological function. Oftentimes, clients experience injury from sport, accidents or problems caused for many years of excessive sitting. In these cases necessary regressions are added to the program to improve movement patterns and joint articulation hastening a return to building strength and fitness levels safely and with thoughtful attention to overall physical and mental health and wellness.
It is understood that the attainment of perfect form is relative and will vary from one body to the next; keeping in mind however that an exercise is not useful until it can be performed so that muscles and joints are stimulated for greatest potential placing appropriate torque on the joints.
Progression of training is one of the most important responsibilities of the personal trainer or strength coach.
In fact, it may actually be the reason many people seek out a trainer in the first place. People often train for years in a gym and experience just small gains in strength.
With the guidance of a trainer, a client is taught a more deliberate practice in which each session challenges the body to leave the comfort zone and make steady gains in strength, power, stamina as well as higher levels of total conditioning. Specifically, once good form of an exercise is performed properly, the next level i.e. more challenging exercise or heavier weight is introduced. The concepts of steady progression and personal training are basically one and the same.
relationship of trust
Like anything in life, success comes to those who work hard and apply themselves.
The goals of my clients become my goals. I build a relationship of trust by creating a positive and fun learning environment, in which we can work together to build a healthy body. I share in their experience by determining percieved exertion through considerate questions and active listening.
I know that it's never easy to make changes, even when we know they are right and necessary. In order to learn and to grow we take a leap outside the comfort zone and into the growth zone. This is a challenging place to be and it's where we need to be to make progress and ultimately gain results. I strongly believe that we generally do this best when led, coached, taught or held accountable by family, friends, co-workersm teammates, coaches and trainers. My job is to motivate, inspire and ground fitness goals in accountability to bring clients toward improved overall health and wellness.
I am wholeheartedly committed to providing individual guidance and supporting my clients' needs to achieve their goals. I approach my job as a vocation and find it incredibly rewarding, a veritable circle of growth in a symbiotic relationship with those I'm priveleged to work with.