Personalized training in the gym (occasionally outdoors, weather permitting). Highly specialized with extra attention on performance and technique of all basic lifts including squat, lunge RDL, chect press, pulling and shoulder work. Movement patterns are assessed and restored as needed for improving range of motion and core functionality. Proper form is conscientiously taught and reinforced over time as resistence is progressed.
5 or more clients, usually outdoors. Perform bodyweight strength training, endurance and cardio with high intensity circuits ranging in length from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Class participants are part of a larger group which will keep a steady pace. Focus is on the ability to build and maintain cardiovascular stamina. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is utilized at a variety of different lengths depending upon the complexity and required power of each exercise. Plyometrics and agility drills are part of stations and circuits. Classes begin simply and progress each week, becoming more dynamic and complex. See "Boot Camp" in blog.
small group
2-5 clients, in the gym (occasionally outdoors, weather permitting). Focus is on basic resistence training supersets for continuous movement, core function and stamina.
With the small group, training is still personal and specific to each individual in the group. Some exercises are performed as par of the group, while others will be taught to individuals as needed