A Way to Think About FITNESS GOALS
Paradigm illustration: Allow your measurable goal (lose 10 pounds) to bring you closer to your life goal (be healthy). Because the...

Ran in Queen Anne today...
Ran in Queen Anne today in search of old world stairs.. found em! Wind with promise of rain and hundred year old streets remind me of the...

Boot Camp 2017!
Boot Camp Classes begin Wednesday, June 1st at 6pm The sun is back and so is your favorite outdoor fitness class! A wide variety of...

Pushing Past "I don't like it"
I oftentimes hear people say, "I don't like running" or "I don't like going to the gym". It occurs to me, while I certainly don't loath...

Client Progress
Why weight train? This morning my client, Elaine, came in for her usual Tuesday morning appointment meeting me at the gym to work out....

On Weight Loss
A client recently asked me what diet she should use to lose weight and before I could answer added, curtly and with a knowing smirk, "and...